Donatie 10 werken (schilderijen) aan: 

Michaël College – Worden wie je bent

Michaël College Het Michaël college is een vrijeschool voor mavo, havo en vwo. Totale ontwikkeling van het kind staat centraal: hoofd, hart en handen.

10-10-2024 Door Jan Anton Rijsdijk uit eigen collectie. Ter financiering ondersteuning van de school en de ontwikkeling van de leerlingen. Programma print painting 1/50 $550  

Winery in progress. Wine as promo finance tool - started Breda - Winery Meersel Dreef 2003 worldwide - Waldorf Community - / . Uitwisseling Euritmie leraren / leerlingen met de dochter vrije school in St. Petersburg. 

Welcome to SEKEM School – Education for Sustainable ...

SEKEM  // The SEKEM School was founded in 1989. It is situated near Bilbeis, about 60 km. northeast of Cairo, on the premises of SEKEM.  

Informal Investors

16 April 2023 Aanvang interne communicatie-voorzieningen.


Donatie schilderijen aan de Vrije Scholen Nederland ter ondersteuning van het funding-programma van de Waldorf Community world wide.

De opbrengsten zullen gebruikt worden voor de scholen die hierbij betrokken zijn.
Organisatie en verkoop vind plaats onder verantwoording van de scholen.

Donateur Jan Anton Rijsdijk heeft deze werken geschonken, ze zijn afkomstig uit zijn eigen collectie.

Follow up report:
19 april 2023 schenking 6 schilderijen Geert Groote College Amsterdam - in persoon.      

Uitvoering na de vakantie - DONE.   

Maastricht. Volbracht 8 schilderijen bekende Nederlandse schilders  

Bevlogen leren met hoofd, hart en handen - Zwolle: Pending Oktober 2023 

Schenking Donatie ter financiering 10 schilderijen uit private collectie 10-11-2023   10 schilderijen, doelstelling print per origineel 500 euro oplage 500 stuks 50 per schilderij. 250k  Toilet paviljoen 258K, nieuwbouw 3 mio euro.   Juridisch advies 2023 div. projecten. Juli Jardin dir. 


A unique farm-based Steiner School. 2.2 Mio Euro New Zealand 2022-2024

Contact165 Robinson Road, Lower Moutere, 7175P O Box 224, Motueka 714316 +64 3 528 0246 022 3089008 

We are an established Steiner School building a new farm campus so our students will have a nature-based learning environment. Our 13.6 hectare farm offers gardens, orchards, fields, animals, nature areas, trees, a lake and wetland. Construction of the new school buildings started in January 2020. Last year the world celebrated 100 years of Steiner education and we celebrated the start to building a unique new school campus. We are building a permanent home for nature-based Steiner education in the Tasman District. The access road onto the farm was completed earlier last year so now our focus is on the infrastructure and buildings. Stage one of the building development will include six classrooms. This stage has a budget of $2.2M and requires an extraordinary effort from the school community. Architects have completed the designs and obtained building consents. Earthworks for the building platforms is completed and construction has started.

This is a community project driven by parents, teachers and supporters. It started as a shared vision and community fundraising. Much of the skill and labour required comes from the school community. Our builders, project managers and architects come from the school community. They all have a deep commitment to Steiner education and their passion comes through in the work being done. Rather than take our design out to tender in the open market we are working with a committed team from the beginning. This approach reduces financial risk to the businesses involved so the price is not loaded with risk margins.

12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002
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